Tullaroop Creek Advisory Group
Consultation has concluded

Waterway Management Plan - Background Information
In 2021 Council developed a Waterway Management Plan for Carisbrook to identify priorities for the future management of the Tullaroop Creek and two public reserves, Bucknall and Bland Reserves.
Part of this plan is to set up a reference group, which will be called the Tullaroop Creek, Carisbrook Advisory Group.
A Terms of Reference has been developed to support the work of this advisory group.
The group will consist of a Councillor (Chairperson), up to two Council staff, and up to five community and stakeholder members.
The two Council staff will include the relevant General Manager accountable for the strategic management of the creek environs and the relevant staff member responsible for the maintenance and management of the creek environment.
Community members who wish to nominate themselves for the group will have:
- knowledge of the local creek and associated environment
- community development experience
- community asset management experience
Consideration of the expression of interest and establishment of the group will be carried out by the Chairperson and relevant Council General Manager. The appointment to the group will be for 24 months and will be reviewed one month prior to the expiry of the term.
It is proposed that the advisory group will collaborate with key partners to carry out its work. It is recognised and respected that Djaara, the Traditional Owners of Djandak and the North Central Catchment Management Authority, as land manager are critical partners in the ongoing management of the creek. This will be reflected through the business and conduct of the advisory group.