Reason for review

Central Goldfields Planning Scheme contains five local heritage places in Maryborough which are currently included in the Heritage Overlay. These include a large heritage precinct area, Heritage Overlay 206: Maryborough Area (HO 206) and four individual places.

HO 206 was introduced in the planning scheme in 1999 as a single heritage precinct area, but is largely based on an amalgam of eleven precinct areas, identified and documented in the 1992 Maryborough Heritage Study, (Bick, Kellaway, Milner and Patrick, 1992).

The 2022-2023 Study has been commissioned to review the HO 206 area and identify if the Heritage Overlay should be applied as several smaller precinct areas, or individual heritage places, rather than a single precinct.

A separate task includes the preparation of up-to-date place citations and local policy and guidelines to assist Council, owners and managers to care for heritage places.

As is required by the Planning and Environment Act (1987), the Study will provide Council with the information it needs:

To conserve and enhance buildings, areas and other places which are of scientific, aesthetic, architectural, or historical interest, or otherwise of special cultural value’

The Study will consider the Central Goldfields Heritage Review: Stage 1, (Rowe & Jacobs, 2005), Central Goldfields Heritage Strategy (2014), Central Goldfields Shire Planning Scheme Review 2020 and the Central Victorian Goldfields World Heritage Bid.

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